© 2010  Rasmus ehf  and Jσhann Νsak


Lesson 4

Volumes of revolution


Imagine that the graph of the function y = f(x) is rotated once about the x - axis ( or y - axis ) so that we have a 3 - dimensional solid.
The object  could look something like the diagram below and is called a solid of revolution.

We are going to see how integration can be used to find this type of volume, called a volume of revolution. When we first tried  to find the area under a graph we divided the area into small strips, each with the height  f(x) and then added the area of these strips together. To find the volume formed when we rotate a curve about the x axis  we divide the solid into small  discs with radius f(x) ( see the diagram below ).

The thickness of each disc is  x and the surface area  A. The discs are cylindrical so we can use the formula for the volume of a cylinder, Volume R = r2·h.  In this case the height is  x and radius of the surface is f(x) so the volume of each disc is

   R = r2·x = (fx)2x

We now sum the volumes of the discs using integration, with the boundaries x = a to x = b.

It's easiest to take outside the integration sign as it's a constant, and then multiply with after integrating.

The volume of the solid  formed when the graph of  f(x) is rotated once about the x - axis on the interval from x = a to x = b is:


Example 1

Find the volume of the solid  formed when the graph of   is rotated once round the x - axis .

This is what the graph looks like.

This is  obviously the graph of a semicircle with radius one unit. So, when we rotate this about the x -  axis we get a sphere also with radius one unit. To find the volume we use the  formula :

    on the interval  –1 ≤ x ≤ 1.


       = p(1 – ⅓ – (–1 – (–⅓)))

       = p(1 – ⅓ + 1 – ⅓)

       = 4/3

Let's continue with this example and find a formula for the volume of a sphere with radius r.

In this case we rotate  , which is a semicircle with radius r, about the x  - axis..

The calculations follow:


       = p(r3 – ⅓ r3 – (–r2 – ⅓(–r3)))

       = p(r3 – ⅓ r3 + r3 – ⅓ r3)

       = pr3(2 – ⅔)

       = 4pr3/3

This is a formula that you will easily recognise from geometry. Many proofs of this sort in geometry can be accomplished using integration.


Example 2

A ring has a straight sided inside surface and a curved outer surface. The radius of the inner ring is  8 mm and the outer surface is part of the parabolic curve  
f(x) = 6x – x2 on the interval 2 ≤ x ≤ 4. Find the volume of the ring .

We start by looking at the graph of the line y = 8  and the parabola f(x) = 6x – x2 . The shaded area between these two graphs are a cross section of the ring.

Rotating this cross section around the x - axis shows us the whole ring.

First calculate the points of intersection:

   6x – x2 = 8

            0 = x2 – 6x + 8

               = (x – 2)(x – 4)

The graphs intersect in  x = 2 and x = 4.

The parabola is the upper function so we first calculate the volume of the outer ring  and then subtract the volume of the inner ring on the interval  2 ≤ x ≤ 4.


   (6x – x2 )2– 82 = (6x – x2)(6x – x2) – 64

                         = 36x2 – 6x3 – 6x3 + x4

                         = x4 –12x3 + 36x2 – 64

The area is:



Example 3

Find the volume of the cone that is formed when the line  y = x is rotated once about the  x-axis on the interval x = 0 to x = 4 (see diagram).

The volume is found by integrating  

   R = ⅓ 43 =64/3

It would perhaps be more natural to see the cone standing vertically, symmetrical about the y - axis rather than the x - axis.

In that case we could use another method to find the volume forming the cone  by rotating the line  y = f(x) once about the y - axis.  Imagine cutting a thin cylinder or tube out of the cone as shown in the diagram and opening it out to form a rectangle.

The height of this rectangle is f(x) and the length will be the same as the circumference of the base of the cylinder, that is 2x  where  x is the base radius. If Dx is the thickness of the tube then the volume  is f(x)·2Dx. Dividing the cone into infinitely many such tubes , symmetrical about the y -  axis and adding the volumes together will give us the volume of the cone. The

This method is often simpler to use than the previous method as it does not involve squaring the function.

Example 4

Find the volume of the bell shaped solid of revolution when the curve given by the function f(x) = 4 – x2 is rotated once about the y-axis. The diagram below shows the shape of the solid. 

Using the second method, the cylinder method, we get that the volume is:


       = 2(8 – 4) = 8


Example 5

Find the volume of the cone formed when the line  y = 2x + 1 with 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 is rotated about the y-axis.

The diagram is shown here.

If we use the second method with  x = 0 to x = 4 we get the volume of the solid that lies outside the cone so we need to subtract f(x) from 9. The volume is then:


      = 2(64 – 42⅔) = 128/3


Example 6

A glass solid is formed by rotating the area between the parabola  f(x) = x2/10 and the line  y = x + 20 about the y - axis . Find the volume of revolution.

First, a diagram.

The curves intersect where x = 20 so  we can subtract the lower function from the upper function as in example 5 and use the formula on the interval x = 0 to x =  20


      = 2(2666⅔ + 4000 – 4000) = 16000/3 .


Practise these methods then take  test 4 on integration.

Remember the check list!!